vegan word on wood background and vegetable

Meat Diets Are More Extreme Than Vegan

5 Ways In Which Your Meat Based Diet Is More Extreme Than The Most Extreme Vegan

I’m vegan.

I know what you’re thinking. You only buy grass-fed, well-loved, free-range organic dead animals. And veganism is extreme. But I’m here to tell you that no matter how extreme the most extreme vegans are, our lifestyle choice makes us automatically less extreme than you are.

Here’s why.

1. You can live perfectly well without hurting animals, but you’re choosing not to

You can get everything that you need nutritionally from a vegan diet.

On average, we have a lower BMI than animal-eaters, we eat less saturated fat and we have a lower risk of heart disease.

If you’re paying for people to slice an animal’s neck open so that you can eat them, you’re not doing it for nutrition, you’re doing it because you like the taste.

Killing a living being is a pretty extreme thing to do if you don’t have to.

2. You probably pet your dog whilst you’re eating a bacon sandwich

Little Dog Dressed as a PigThe average pig is as smart as a three-year-old human child, so please don’t kid yourself that pigs don’t understand what is happening to them when they are forced into the slaughterhouse.

They see their friends die and they know that the slaughterhouse man is coming for them next. They cry and try to run away. They scream.

If slaughterhouses were really ‘humane’, then when your dog got old and needed putting to sleep, you’d send him or her to the kill floor. You would never do this. In fact, you probably pet your dog whilst you eat your bacon sandwich on a Sunday morning.

Vegans find this hypocrisy abhorrent. We genuinely cannot believe that people can sit and eat one animal, whilst loving another so steadfastly.

3. You’ll turn your tap off to save water, but you won’t just give up eating meat and dairy

It takes 1,799 gallons of water to make one pound of beef. If you’re concerned about the environment, you should be cutting your meat and dairy intake drastically.

We’re officially gorging to the point of over-indulgence on the bodies of animals, and it’s destroying the planet. An area 1.5 times the size of the European Union would be saved if people in the Western world lowered their meat consumption to eat only what their bodies actually need, instead of just eating whatever we want whenever we feel like it.

You’d save 219,000 gallons of water a year if you went vegan. Continuing to eat meat when you know it is destroying the only planet we have to live on is particularly extreme.Washbasin and water

4. There are people dying of starvation, but we’re giving an unbelievable amount of grain to animals

If the USA gave the grain it feeds to livestock to humans instead, we could feed 800 million people. There are 795 million people in the world who don’t have enough to eat. We could effectively cure starvation if the USA went vegan.

We’re feeding grain that could be used to feed the starving to animals, so that ‘rich’ people like you and me can eat hamburgers. We’re letting people die when we could just stop growing animals and eat something else.

5. Meat causes cancer

The World Health Organisation classes red and processed meats as carcinogenic.

According to their research, red meat probably causes cancer, and processed meat most definitely does.

Hot dogs, ham, sausages and corned beef are of the same carcinogen classification as tobacco and asbestos, both known as substances to avoid if you don’t want to get cancer.

But you’re still eating meat, and that is extreme.